Program Installation
1 Program
2-3 Program
4-5 Program
6 Program
7 Program
8 Program
9 Program
10 Program
11 Program
12 Program
13 Program
14 Closing

10: From the Festivals Around the World II
(14min, 2005, New Zealand)
Director/Choreographer: Shona
A long
term relationship is ending. Set in rural New Zealand a depressed
mother makes the difficult decision to leave her son and partner.
The film explores the relationship a nine year old boy has
with his mother and the ultimate loss of his trust.
«I’m delighted that a film that uses dance
as an articulate, narrative language can stand up against
those that employ the spoken word. To step across the genre
barrier of dance film to a universally understood medium is
what I’ve always sought to do. Movement quite simply
has the enormous potential to describe directly what often
cannot be spoken.» – Shona McCullagh
holds a unique position in New Zealand as an outstanding film
director, dancer/ choreographer, filmmaker and educator. Besides
short dance films («Fly» and «Hurtle»)
that won her numerous international awards, Shona developed
a series of installations for dancers and non-dancers utilising
the performance interactive software. In 2004, Shona created
choreography for three feature films «Perfect Creature»,
«The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe» and «King
Kong». She also choreographed for Royal New Zealand
Ballet company for their initial 2005 season and recently
co-directed «Nutcracker» for television.
are you going to do when you get out of here?
(52min, 2005, Slovenia)
Director: Saso Podgorsek; Choreographer:
Iztok Kovac; Music: Thierry De Mey
The “Soul”
of the working-class town of Trbovlje (hometown of Iztok Kovac
and the main source of his inspiration) – embodied in
the rhythm of work and rest – has almost entirely evaporated,
and its “Body” – the gigantic industrial
plants built on the surface above the underground network
of shafts – lies scattered around the valley like the
bones of a decaying animal in a desert. But to a discerning
eye this gives a picture of the uniqueness of what used to
be the mechanism that our fathers, mothers, uncles and grandfathers
so enthusiastically built and breathed though. A picture of
our childhood. ¬– Iztok Kovac, Saso Podgorsek
Iztok Kovac,
solo dancer, choreographer and the founder of EN-KNAP, an
international dance group, has one of those creative energies
which has enabled him, starting from nothing, to bring Slovene
modern dance onto the European and world stages.
Born in 1964, Saso Podgorsek
graduated from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since then he has realized a number
of programmes for Studio Ljubljana at TV Slovenia and collaborated
with Arxel Tribe production house (computer animation), Iztok
Kovac and his group En-knap, as well as of Mute Records, Ajax
Studio, ZRC SAZU, Stop magazine and several advertising agencies.
Sonnets" (29min, 1993, Belgium)
Director: Thierry De Mey, Choreography:
Michèle Anne De Mey
A film
about love and dance, “Love
Sonnets” couples together seven sonnets
signed by those who dance them. Sonnets where words are swapped
for movement. Sonnets whose rhythms embrace Scarlatti’s
sonatas for harpsichord and traditional aria from Southern
Italy. Sonnets where rhymes, numbers and verbal colours seek
consonance with what can be seen as a cinematographic melodic
It can suffer it self, but not know it self,
It can cover it self, but not obtain it self,
The soul that, in movement can see it self.
Cannot in the defunct tranquillity find
Beauty, who is the fire in movement,
And living it cannot be assuaged.
Thierry De Mey, born in 1956, is a film director
and composer. The incorporation of movement and rebound are
the common thread at the core of his work: "the rebuttal
of the idea of rhythm as a simple series of durations in a
time frame, but rather as a generative system for impulses,
falls and new developments” constitutes the preliminary
overture for his musical and cinematic endeavours. For the
choreographers Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Wim Vandekeybus
and his sister Michele Anne De Mey, Thierry continues to be
an invaluable collaborator in the invention of "formal
strategies" - to employ a term which holds great importance
for him. The installations of Thierry De Mey, which include
music, dance, videos and interactive processes, have been
presented in exhibitions such as the Biennials of Venice,
Lyon and in many museums. His work has been rewarded with
many national and international prizes including the Bessie
Awards, Eve du Spectacle, Composers Forum of UNESCO to name
a few. He is currently working on the composition of an original
score for the project between the choreographer Akram Khan
(London/India) and Sylvie Guillem (Paris).